Category Archives: Smartcloud

Adding Two Factor Authentication to IBM Connections Cloud

Yes, it’s true 🙂

When I looked at the schedule for IBMConnectED, there was one session that was a can’t miss.  Steve McDonagh was talking about adding Two Factor Authentication to IBM Connections Cloud.   If you know me, you know I do a lot of work with IBM Connections Cloud and I am obsessed with two factor authentication, of course I had a conflict and could not be there, so with the help of Devin I managed to get a video of the session which Steve was nice enough to let me publish.

On a side note, if IBM Connections Cloud and two factor authentication is of no interest to you, consider watching the first 5 minutes regardless it’s brilliant,

Check out Steve’s Blog for more on Two Factor Authentication with IBM Connections Cloud 

IBM SmartCloud rebranding to IBM Connections Cloud

We heard last January at IBM Connect that the IBM Collaboration Solutions would all be rebranded under the IBM Connections name.   IBM SmartCloud for Social Business is no exception and will be changing later in September.

Current Name New Name
IBM SmartCloud Engage Advanced IBM Connections Cloud S1
IBM SmartCloud Engage Standard IBM Connections Cloud S2
IBM SmartCloud iNotes IBM Connections Web Mail Cloud
IBM SmartCloud Archive Essentials IBM Connections Archive Essentials Cloud
IBM SmartCloud Connections IBM Connections Social Cloud
IBM SmartCloud Docs IBM Connections Docs Cloud
IBM SmartCloud Meetings IBM Connections Meetings Cloud
(New Offering) IBM Connections Chat Cloud

Looks like they are holding off on changing the Notes Mail product names until Mail Next launches.

The URLs will not be changing, just the product names.