A question that came up a number of times at Lotusphere was when MSN would be supported by the Sametime Gateway. It seems clear from the responses that while there are technical issues, the business issues of Microsoft agreeing to the federation is the real blocker. While this is going on it looks like AOL
Thanks for blogging about our commitment to openness. We’ve been working really hard over the past few years in making all of our services more open and standards based, working with the SIP as well as the Jabber/XMPP communities. Our XMPP gateway at, which we’ve been working on for a while now, is just one approach we’re tinkering with. As you pointed out, though, this particular server at is a test server, so I wouldn’t count on it being reliable or even continuously available until we put some more work into it to bring it up to our standards.
So while MSN continues to be proprietary, and for now not willing to federate with IBM, AOL is moving to be more open and compatible. If AOL moved to a stable XMPP implementation it could eliminate the need for provisioning for gateway connectivity to AOL.
Disclaimer: This information was received and posted with permission by resources in the Sametime Level 2 support team. It is provided as is for reference only and subject to change. A common question when working with the Sametime Gateway is how requests route between the gateway, and the Sametime community. When setting up the gateway the only connection you define is from the gateway to one Sametime sever in the community. From there the gateway will discover the other servers in the community. Inbound and outbound requests are handled differently “Inbound requests (external user adds internal, external initiates a chat) are forwarded Round Robin by the Gateway server to the next server in the round robin list. This can be any server that is in the Sametime Community. The Sametime server that gets the inbound requests does the lookup on the user being subscribed too. If the community server that got the request isn’t the server that the internal user is connected to, then the request will be routed (internally, among the ST servers themselves) to the correct Sametime server. This would be for both request to add user to contact lists and the chats themselves. In a non-clustered environment where a Sametime Home Server is specified, the Gateway server will still round robin these inbound requests to the next server, but the Sametime server will now use the SametimeServer value to route the communication to the user’s home server. This would be different than routing it to the server he is logged into. Outbound is different. (Internal user adds external user) The server the user is physically connected to does the lookup on outbound ” The key here is that all servers in your local Sametime community regardless of the service they provide, must be accessible to the Sametime gateway on port 1516, in addition in the LDAP Server of your stconfig.nsf you need to make sure the search filters can resolve the e-mail address on all the servers as well.
There are a number of things I wanted to blog about this week, but it has been a busy week upgrading our Sametime 7.5.1 Gateway to 8.0, and building a Lotus Connections pilot environment. I will try to get to some of the other topics, but for now I want to cover briefly one of the enhancements in the 8.0 Gateway which is the LDAP Configuration Wizard. In the Sametime 7.5.1 Gateway you had to follow
I have been running Sametime 8 on my Blackberry for a few weeks, now that it has shipped I can share some screenshots. The look and feel is all upgraded to the new Sametime 8 look, so the green icon is gone, and the login screen is upgraded.
The developerWorks
A technote popped up this morning with the Sametime
We recently went live with out Sametime 7.5.1 servers so people now see their photos in the business card section, prompting many people to want a new picture, so the question arose after changing ones photo how long does it take for users to see the new photo. If a user has never had your photo before then it is almost immediate, however once I have seen your photo it is cached locally, and the client by default will not attempt download a new photo for 7 days. The default cache period can be changed by editing the plugin_customization.ini (in the directory where Sametime is installed) and add ‘’ where x= the number of days to cache the photo. You can set it to 0 to lookup the photo every time, but that could have an impact on performance. Technote 1264766