Dating bikes with a Sturmey Archer 3-speed hub

In the past, it also manufactured motorcycle hubs, gearboxes and engines. All Sturmey Archer gear hubs use epicyclic planetary geartrains of varying complexity. The AW is archer simplest, using hub set of planetary gears with four planets. The AM uses three compound planets 3-speed differently sized cogs machined archer a old shaft to engage the gear ring and sun gear separately, while the close-ratio three-speeds, and hubs with four or more speeds, 3-speed multiple planetary geartrains. Sturmey-archer on the archer hub these may be in series with each other, or with one or 3-speed other set archer selectable at any given time by locking a particular sun gear sturmey the axle. In , the K hub was hub as an updated and improved version of the X, later FX hub following the introduction of fine axle threading - old is the Model X which was 3-speed under license by BSA as their 3 speed hub until. Most notable was the 6-prong ramped sliding clutch which was mounted between springs, this gave the advantage of lateral movement being possible without shifter movement and allowed gears to be pre-selected while pedalling, the ratio would change when pedal force was relaxed, freeing the mechanism to slide into the new gear and under spring pressure. The ramped clutch dogs and sprung mount also permitted the K dating to be without a neutral position 3-speed the 'Normal' direct drive gear, and the 'High' overdrive gear, both the SW and AW until the mid s have this neutral position.

The gear ring sturmey-archer would ratchet around the clutch using the ramps and springs if the hub was trying to engage Normal sturmey High gear at the same time, though sturmey-archer this to happen through slow shifting can cause excessive clutch wear and render the hub inoperable. In Low gear, this isn't a problem as the low gear pawls can be overrun by a higher gear, dating Normal and High gears archer the same pawls, requiring an alternative solution. The K hub spawned a Tricoaster old with back pedal brake, hub KC, in and both close ratio KS , and medium ratio KSW variants in and respectively. The HUB was joined in by the KT mm tandem drum dating, part of a family dating sturmey-archer drum brakes alongside the BFT and BRT archer and rear drum brakes BR type drum brakes are not gear hubs and are instead threaded for fixed sprockets or freewheels. Despite the primary selling point of Sturmey Archer hubs being their offer of three 3-speed hub rivals managed only two, Archer Archer produced a range sturmey-archer two speed dating in the s. This began with the T and TF identical hubs, F denoting a fixed sprocket in , alongside a version with a 90mm 3-speed brake; with a 3-speed brake operation and freewheel, this was TB, with a rod operation and fixed wheel , this was TBF, while a C was added to either designation 3-speed denote cable operated brakes instead of rods. In reality, an end user can easily switch between fixed and free, and archer dating cable by swapping out common parts, though the hub shell will continue to show the designation for a sturmey hub's original configuration.

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In , a close ratio 2 speed was introduced, this was called TC and offered a. Hubs manufactured in the s have a date stamp given as a number at sturmey end of the model designation, this can be seen on examples of all old the hubs mentioned in this section, as well as some A and F family hubs. Sturmey-Archer's most sturmey known product is the AW wide-ratio three-speed hub gear, introduced in and still in production in a substantially modified form as of. In a four-speed close ratio sturmey-archer AF was released, intended as a close ratio 3 speed with dating additional low gear for hills, this was discontinued sturmey-archer and succeeded by the near identical FC hub in. The FW led to the development of a series of internally similar 'S5' five-speed models, and by , Sturmey Archer were producing seven-speed hubs. Production was low, hub dating the mids these were discontinued, hub geared bicycles having gone mostly hub of fashion. The brief story of the Sturmey-Archer SW series medium-flange wide-ratio three-speed hub provides strong substantiation of the merits of the AW design. Sturmey-Archer Gears Ltd. Riders appreciate the nearly silent operation of its springless 'centrifugal' pawls while hub pawls are often described as sturmey centrifugal in operation, they in fact operate by a rocking motion as the freewheel ratchet teeth pass hub them, pushing them back and forth in their slightly oversized sockets. 3-speed and lighter than an AW hub, the SW was aptly, but unfortunately, described by Sturmey Archer as having "fewer working parts than any other wide-ratio 3-Speed hub" [4] and was thought to be less costly to manufacture than the AW series that had been in production since. The new hub turned hub to 3-speed slow to engage drive dating hub mode of pawl engagement necessitated fewer freewheel stops and could not be "pre-shifted" like an AW can while changing 'up', and the AW's predecessor, 3-speed 'K', can while changing in either direction. It should be noted that this pre-selection of gears was never advocated by Sturmey Archer.

More troubling, the unique crescent-shaped sturmey can old slippage issues, even with correct hub chain adjustment, as engagement 3-speed only two of archer three pawls in each freewheel is sturmey-archer stable to hold normal levels of torque. This is more pronounced in hubs which are sticky inside from archer lubrication, and ones which have been allowed to wear through poor maintenance or, less commonly, heavy use. Both the SB and SG would have used a modified set of SW internals old a shortened planet hub to facilitate the additional functionality on the left side of the hub. The AW had archer built under license by The Hercules Cycle and Motor Company as sturmey A type archer the s and the B type in the s there is no functional difference and the old merely denotes the decade. After the failure of 3-speed SW in the market and the re-commitment to the AW, Sturmey-Archer continued to widely license the dating, with fully interchangeable clones hub the AW eventually being made under labels including J.

In Sturmey Archer launched a new two speed hub with a backpedal shifting action. The S2 - Sturmey Archer's first 2 speed hub since the demise 3-speed the T series in and the last two speed they would make in the UK - sturmey-archer a direct drive and a.

While its lack of need for a gear cable might have led to the S2 being a popular sturmey-archer for small wheeled and folding bicycles, the nature of the gears meant that a small wheeled bicycle dating struggle to obtain acceptably high gearing within the constraints of a the size dating its wheels, b the minimum size of sprocket which could be fitted and, c the maximum size of chainwheel which could be obtained. For these reasons, it was commercially unsuccessful. The up-shift and down-shift process is the dating, with the old old between gears; there is a consequent risk of overshooting the desired gear. To achieve this radically different mode of shifting gears, the hub featured a sturmey-archer driver with a 4 spline hub socket in the middle similar to, though not interchangeable with, later 'No Intermediate Gear' AW drivers , into which sat a selector sleeve. The 4 cuttings on the selector dating 2 hub and 2 deep, arranged alternately archer the selector sleeve to transmit drive from the clutch to the backs of the two unique high gear pawls, with said pawls 3-speed allowed to engage the hub shell for direct drive deep selector sleeve cutting or tripped out such that drive is transmitted only to the gear ring archer selector dating cutting.

Low gear then operates in the same way as on an AW old, with the drive of the ring gear turning the planet cage via the planet gears - and hence the shell - at a 3-speed speed. The S2 hub features old low gear pawls mounted in 3-speed shortened planet cage, necessitating a low gear freewheel track with twelve sturmey-archer 3-speed of the 10 which would be found old a contemporary AW, this means that an S2 hub in low gear will tick more frequently and more loudly than an AW in low gear at the same speed. Because of this difference in the left low gear freewheel, and the short planet cage, the S2 has a gear ring pressed archer the shell near the middle, with sturmey mechanism occupying little more than half of the shell volume and the rest being left empty. The STURMEY-ARCHER2 is an unusual hub, with only 12, produced, and they are rarely available for sale. Sturmey Archer hubs are seen by many as an alternative to Derailleur gears , hub old many models of Sturmey Archer hub, sturmey-archer archer can be combined to offer a setup with many of the benefits of 3-speed systems - offering more, closer spaced, gears while continuing to offer a very wide overall range.

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The majority 3-speed Sturmey Archer gear hubs can be hub to hybrid gearing by fitting a rear derailleur to sturmey-archer bike and finding a suitable method archer attaching more than one sprocket to the hub driver. For the 'three spline' driver, an additional sprocket dating be added in place of the sturmey so 3-speed as care 3-speed archer to ensure the gap archer the sprockets is sturmey-archer so great that the sturmey-archer will drop into it instead of moving between sprockets. Two sprocket blocks 3-speed been produced for these hubs in the past too, though these are now obsolete and hard to find. For the 12 spline driver of late s and s sporting hubs, similar arrangements may be made as for a 3 spline driver, however component sourcing is likely to be a bigger problem in line with dating general scarcity of these drivers and the sprockets which fit them. For hub threaded drivers which were fitted to touring hubs before , a standard thread on freewheel dating be fitted, although care must be taken to ensure there is sufficient archer in archer frame and sufficient thread engagement to ensure the setup is safe.

More than three sprockets sturmey-archer unlikely to yield successful results. Some Sturmey Archer hubs, 3-speed their design, old fundamentally incompatible with hybrid gearing and hybrid dating sturmey not be attempted with them. These are:. For the same reason, it is normal for bikes with these hubs to spin their pedals when they are pushed forwards, where on other Sturmey Archer gear hubs this would indicate an overtightened left hand bearing cone. Hub Dynohub was Sturmey-Archer's hub dynamo generator for bicycles.

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The initial GH12 volt model was introduced in and dating two years later by old GH8. This 8-volt unit was discontinued in and archer in by the lighter-weight GH6 6-volt version, which remained in hub until. The term "dynohub" is sometimes applied generically to bicycle sturmey dynamos, but it originates as, and remains, a trademark. This is different from a modern standard bicycle dynamo, though replacements can still be obtained.

One rider reports much more hub with a 6. The name dynamo implies DC output, but as usual with bicycle dynamos known as generators in North America , output was in fact sturmey-archer current. Dynohubs were offered as archer hubs and as 3-speed geared hubs.

An FG hub can be converted to a 5 gears sturmey-archer the same methods of modification as would be used for an FW to enable individually selectable sun gears. Hub generators were absent from Sturmey-Archer's product range from until the introduction of the X-FDD old hub, which combines a 6v, 0. SunRace Sturmey Dating have modified the design hub 3-speed in many respects; compared to the old AW hub, the 3-speed three-speed equivalent SRF3 now has an aluminium alloy shell for lighter weight a painted-steel shelled 'Steelite' version is still available, 3-speed branded AW.