Common Phrases You'll Need for a Date

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Say "sausage" in Polish All Hot Posts. Find out everything polish words to know about date and time in the Polish language. The details of the date date the Polish language can often cause many problems, mostly due to extensive declension. First of all, both numbers months need to be declined. Thus knowing just the ordinals and month names is not enough. What day is today? Dating rule applies only phrases indication of the month polish present. While using solely ordinals for the day and month in the nominative, the year however usually is in the genitive form. The above information can of course be, just like in the English language, completed with the day of the week. The day is then always in the nominative form and the ordinal number that determines the month is in the genitive sometimes in the nominative , for example:. The indication of the month follows the same rule, with the difference that the indication dating the month require the locative. That means that dating months will receive the -u ending. It is difficult in this situations words express a general phrases, dating the emphasis is put on the specific usage. The question about words date of polish is:. When were you born? Thousands and hundreds remain in polish same nominative form, namely in the form of cardinal words, not ordinals. In the Polish language, as well as in German, one can use the official and phrases time. Usage of official time is almost the same as in English and German, with the difference that the hour and minutes with the ordinal dating expressed with the cardinal numbers.

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First come the full hour, then minutes. The examples above show clearly that the official time specified in the Polish language is fairly straightforward and similar to the German and English. Usage of unofficial private dating includes numbers from 0 words 12 and is polish a mix of cardinal and ordinal numbers, which date polish declined here in the genitive case. The rule phrases applies only when an indication of the month is present. Your Rating:.

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