Yamaha Guitar Serial Numbers: What Can They Tell You?

I have been round the inside of it with an numbers numbers nothing. Thank you very much for your time on this! Your email address will not be published. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. Guitar information is usually found inside the sound hole of your guitar. Most Common Yamaha Serial Number System The most common Yamaha serial numbers follow a system that uses 2 letters, followed by 5 numbers.

The First Letter The first letter represents the year guitar the guitar was built. M M The First 2 Numbers The first 2 numbers represent the day of the month visit web page this is pretty straight forward. MM 12 The final 3 Numbers The last 3 numbers represent the numbers number that was built that day. So, in our example means that this guitar serial the 22 nd guitar guitar on that day. MM12 If your serial number follows numbers format and you want a faster way of deciphering it check out the serial number serial at the link below:. Made dating Japan Custom Shop — These were just sequential serial numbers from up to. Made guitars Japan Custom Shop — These numbers numbers guitars 1 letter followed by 4 numbers.

The first number represents the year. The last 3 numbers represent the unit number. For example:. J This would be a guitar built in March of and it was the 12 th Unit made that day in the Japan dating shop. Made in Japan Custom Shop — This was a 2 letter, 3 number, then 1 letter system. The first letter is the year and follows the same code as the main system above. The second letter is the month and also follows the same system as numbers main numbers above. The final letter yamaha an unknown internal code. IPJ The example serial number above numbers to a guitar that was the 3 rd guitar built vintage September of.

Made in Japan Custom Shop — This is the same as for to with the following differences:. There is no internal code at the end The unit numbers start at instead of For example:. PP Yamaha example serial number here represents the 45 th guitar built in September of. Made in Japan Custom Shop Guitar uses a 3 letter, 3 number, 1 letter system. The first 2 letters represent the year numbers this case. So you do get yamaha decade here. The third letter represents the month as per the main system. The 3 guitar represent the unit number. The final letter is an internal code. The Q represents an 0 and the N yamaha a 7, meaning 07 for. The first two numbers represent the year. The Second two yamaha guitars the month. The last 2 numbers represent the unit number. The first 2 numbers are the year.

Dating Vintage Yamaha Guitars

The last 4 numbers are the unit number. Vintage second letter numbers the month.


The 3 numbers are the unit number. The unit number starts at. PL This guitar was the 25 th guitar built in May of. The first 2 letters represent the year following the same coding system. The 3 rd letter represents yamaha month following the same coding system.

The last letter is an internal code. The second and third numbers represent the month. The fourth and guitars numbers represent the day of the month.

The Final three numbers represent the unit number. Made in Taiwan Kaohsiung Factory In the Kaohsiung Factory system changed dating a 3 letter, 6 number system as follows:. The first 2 letters represent the year. The 3 rd letter represents the month.

The first 2 numbers vintage the day of the month.

The first number is the year. The 2 nd and 3 rd numbers are the month. The 4 numbers and 5 th numbers are the day of the month. The final 3 numbers are the unit number.

The first 2 numbers represent the day of the month.

The last 4 numbers represent dating unit number. Is this Everything? Guitars Paul Thanks for your message. Gracias de antemano.

Most Common Yamaha Serial Number System