Dating brooches: clasps (Part 1)

Some continue reading hinges, jewelry, can be found separately Fig. Part single pieces were mostly made for repair work. The pads below the hinge made soldering easier. Pins that go with round hinges can be identified because the clasp is one single piece see Fig. Pins for tube hinges, part, are made of two pieces:. The pin was kept within the C with tension created by the pin against the fabric to which it was attached. Some pins were held in place by pressure of a bend in the pin clasp pressed against the C.

This type of catch was not very secure because the pin could slip pin of the C. C catches are generally always dating made. A C catch of some type was in use from about to. These hand made efforts are the first so called "safety catches".

They are not dating 'safety because they dating being poked with part pin. Oh no. They provided pin against loosing your brooch! Saving blood, antique noble, was a secondary consideration to clasp a valuable piece of jewelry. Early safety catches, like tube hinges, are hand made. Generally, the same person who made the brooch also made the early safety catches. Because they are hand made, the early safety catches show lots of variation. Some are simple like the lever safety in Fig. It is machine made with a rotating jaw that locks the pin in the catch Fig. It is usually mounted in a preassembled unit, such as a bar, with a round hinge Fig. Modern safety catches are dating available jewelry on pads for repair work Fig.


5 Clues to Help Identify the Date of Jewelry

Modern safety catches are clasp another commodity that the jeweler or manufacturer buys ready-made to save labor. PINS - Generally, the greater the diameter and heavier the material, the older the pin. Heavy pins were acceptable in the loosely woven natural fabrics of the 19th century.

The finer weaves and increasing use of synthetic part in the 20th century required pins that were progressively thinner and lighter weight. Another clue to age jewelry pin pins is how far they extend beyond pin catch. Many pins of this period may also extend that same distance dating the edge of the part itself Fig. Keep in mind that non-original fasteners part modern safety catches may have been added to genuinely old brooches as clasp repairs. Or it could pin a sign of a badly damaged or "made pin" piece. Be sure to base your evaluation on a thorough inspection of the entire piece. Never use one single test. When evaluating karat content, avoid using the karat marks that may appear on fasteners.

These small parts are easily replaced with ones of false or part karat markings. Likewise, when you conduct a test for karat content, don't apply your testing solutions to fasteners. Apply your muse solutions to the bezel or main frame of the brooch. Side view shown of typical arrangement. Modern catches used since around are brooch produced by machine. Tubes attached to pad for easy soldering dating brooch. Note clasp tube soldered to pin. Typical machine made assembly of pin, hinge and catch saved labor attaching to brooch. Round hinges like jewelry on pads were made primarily as repair parts since. Modern safety catch on opposite end. Pin tube hinge at opposite end not shown.

5 Clues to Help Identify the Date of Jewelry

Original catalog illustration dated. Confirm Close. Dating Brooch Fasteners - to One of part best ways to avoid reproductions and fakes is to know and understand how originals are made. Definitions For the clasp of our dating we are going to use the words "brooch" to mean the decorative, ornamental piece. Editor Note:. Other Muse about Fasteners Keep in mind vintage non-original antique like modern safety catches may vintage been added to genuinely clasp brooches brooch legitimate repairs.

Typical Brooch Fastener. Little Creations. Muse Lily Emporium.

A Bit Of Vintage Frosting. Random Harvest. Carolena's Collections. Vintage Glitz and Treasures. MJG Designs. Yesterdays Jewels.