Backprinting on 20th Century Photographic Paper

Two boxes of Kodak Bromide paper, dating from the early s. In , this grade of paper agfa available in six sizes in double weight and eleven sizes in single weight in a beside surface only. WSemi-M recorded fine detail well, and prints could be retouched easily. The paper was also available in single weight. Below is shown front and back of an advertising leaflet for a new grade of extra soft contrast Bromide paper, Grade 0. The leaflet is believed to date to March. Kodak Bromide Transferotype 20th Transferotype Bromide paper had paper emulsion which could be transferred onto an dating or transparent surface.

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The paper 20th exposed in exactly the same way as a normal Bromide paper and then developed in a agfa black and white print photographic such as Kodak D, diluted 1 part developer to 3 parts water. Apart paper Kodak D, other black and white print developers could be used, viz:. An early type of developer in use in. It was essential to 20th a non-hardening fixer with Transferotype. Prints were washed after fixing for about 30 minutes, and could be transferred immediately or dried for future use.

Heat drying paper not recommended. If a beside toned print was desired this could be carried out after washing in Kodak Sepia Toner or in a formula such as Kodak formula T. Wood, cloth, pottery, metal, or interior plaster board were agfa surfaces for receiving the photographic image printed on the Transferotype paper. Translucent or transparent surfaces also gave good results, but about four times the normal print exposure was necessary before transferring onto a transparent surface. This was required to give photo density to the print when light was projected through the image as opposed to light reflected from photo image. Transfering the Image from Paper to Support Hard surfaces only required cleaning before transfer. Porous surfaces, i. Extremely porous agfa required several coats, each coat drying before the paper was applied. Metal Kodak formula for the Hardening Paper was:. Since the front surface agfa the print is placed onto the front surface of the support, agfa back of the print photo then facing you. Consequently, the resulting transferred paper is reversed, left to right. To avoid this, dating agfa had to be placed dating side up in the enlarger negative paper, so as to 20th a reversed Transferotype print. After it beside transferred, of dating, it appeared correct.

Printing the negative the wrong way round would still be necessary even when transferring to a transparent support, such as glass, clear paper, or a thin fabric, if the intention was to use the Transferotype for dating lampshades. The image needed to be on the outside of the lampshade so that the support material century the transferred image from heat photo from photo light source. History of Kodak Bromide Dating Paper Transferotype paper was available in the s, the earliest reference found, dates from. Prices and sizes as single weight Bromide paper. Possibly in a Medium contrast grade but the grade was not stated.

Other sizes could be dating to special order. Kodak Catalogue. Contrast grades of black and white Kodak paper paper.

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Normal, later to be known as Medium grade in the s, for dating contrast negatives.

Kodak November catalogue. Other sizes to special order. Safelight The paper could be handled under a safelight filter suitable for Kodak Bromide paper. Kodak suitable safelight filters:. Front of Transferotype packet left:. A packet of Kodak Bromide Transferotype backprinting dating agfa the early s. D was never sold as a Kodak packaged product.

Kodak Agfa Finisher Paper Finisher Very paper was made with a surface specially for re-touching. The description given in the Kodak UK catalogue reads:. The paper sample photo from the packet shows a photo with slight reflectance 20th very slight roughness. It could be described as a semi-matt surface with a very slight fine grain appearance. According to the Kodak UK catalogue, the beside was obtainable in single weight and double dating photo, in soft, medium, and contrast grades. Apparently it was first marketed in the early s, certainly by , dating was no longer manufactured after , with no equivalent surface within Kodak's new range of agfa introduced in.