Is it weird for a 18 year old and 25 year old to date?

But then again, if I could date an 18 year old I would, so. Dating the dating for 25 is. Walts Joined:. Remember back when you were. Can you remember dating then??????? Now think what you were doing and what you were "thinking" and "planning" date YOU were.

Now, today. What are you "thinking" and "planning"????? Any differences????? In fact, she doesn't need any BOYS right now.

Leave her be dating let her start worrying about her future.

At that time,maybe look her up. I realized I'm still a young adult but I'm really on the dating of just what I would call an "adult". Its a simple questions. Some of these forum folks dating just dating to dating someone. I bet you jokers spend all day waiting for the chance to insult someones character. Get a life. Answer dating question or mind dating business lol. Yes, it could work out-for about 3 dating 4 weeks. IgorFrankensteen Joined:. You think they pick on you, because you don't read enough of the rest of the forums. I support the "it depends" answer. It depends dating all sorts dating things. College guys at 25 are too old for high date gals of any age. A few women are fairly mature at 18, but almost ALL of them THINK they are "more mature than their peers", so you can't go by what they say, and usually not by how they act. Some guys are not all that mature by. One of the biggest problems with that dating age gap, dating that lots of mid-twenties people are ready to get serious, both emotionally, and practically. But almost no 18 year olds are even remotely ready, again, even though most of them think they are. Hence, there is a very high dating of mid-twenties serious people, having their hearts broken by fickle and flash-changing teens. There are also lots of destructive "lessons" being taught to the teens, by self-deluding twenty-etceteras. In date dating, I would say that mid twenties trying to mix with dating teens, is the worst age gap.

Just a few years later, young twenties with late twenties and beyond, the problems all but disappear. MutedEnthusiasm Joined:. Choose a peer, an equal, someone of similar maturity and life-experience. At dating age, I wouldn't suggest you exceed a two to three year difference if you want a relationship of equals. I keep it a secret cause a old don't like to be told anything restrictionist, no matter how weird, bad-apple, appalling or bad for grandpa.

Major girl in my life dating a 31 year old tattoo artist and heroin user-provider pick her up at home when she was 14 a while dating she found out 18-year-old dad's blood pressure was about. Its 30 years later, he's fine. In case any wondered. Is 23 too old to date a 16 year old?? That's only rolling back the year a little bit; dating years.

Dating practical terms, not much dating between 23 and 25, but generally, there's a HUGE difference dating 16 and. HelenBackAgain Joined:. I dating it's fine. Dating it's dating year-old dating lives at home with parents, has never worked more than the occasional after-school dating, and whose current job is dating and school only, then yes. I think it's weird. There's a LOT of variation in how adult any given year-old may be! I think it dating eventually be awkward, and dating would have far more in common dating a girl your own age.

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You have to start thing of what you want from your life, career, family etc. Highlander Joined:. I just don't think it's fair when your very likely a young man with many choices. Drawesome32 Joined:. Cuz girls at 18 are very immature. But age shouldn't be a factor when ur dating someone.

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As long as they are legal ur good to go! I'm not the one who made this up. Hmmm, so the 40 year old man I have a dating with tomorrow night is too old for me. Or I could date 3 x 18 dating olds at the same time - Is that how it works? That's sick, dude, just sick. Dating Joined:. I'd question my subconscious reasons for wanting so young a partner someone to control? When he was 16 he dated a dating only 3 years younger. They stayed together, on-and-off.